“The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find oneself in places no one has ever been before,” stated Albert Einstein.

Every woman who walks with God has a story to tell us: Sarah will tell us, “Nothing is too hard for God.” Hagar will tell us, “Even in the wilderness, God is there.” Rahab will tell us, “God can use anything.” Hannah will tell us, “My God answers prayers.” Ruth will tell us, “It’s not over until God says so.” Esther will tell us, “God can turn a nobody into somebody.” Elizabeth will tell you, “You will give birth to greatness.” Our Blessed Mother will tell us, “It shall be done according to God’s word.” The woman with the issue of blood will tell us, “When all fails, God never fails.” Mary and Martha will tell us, “Dead things can live again.” Yes, these are the women through whom God made history.

A Call to Action

Year after year, humble, blessed, confident, courageous, intelligent, and determined women from all over the universe make big and great ‘success’ in various fields. They make the world proud with their sterling record of achievements. Every year on the 8th of March, International Women’s Day is celebrated across the globe. It’s a day to recognize female achievement and a call to action encouraging everyone to stand up for women’s rights and gender equality. The day is also used to recognize women who made significant contributions to the advancement of their gender.

Sr Lini Sheeja MSC

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