1. What difference has reading made to your life?

Reading has made all the difference in my life. It has helped me to be in touch with myself and to experience tremendous inner joy which does not depend on the place I am in, the company I have or the work I do. If we give the keys to our happiness to every place, every other person, every material thing, we will never be happy. My reading habit has helped me to discover that inner joy within me.

Nourishing my mind with good material gives me a good feeling about myself. Just can’t imagine where I would have been in my inner journey, if I didn’t have the opportunity to read. I never feel lonely or bored because when I am alone, books give me the best company.  I grew in patience with myself and others over the years as reading gives me the food for thought. Though I have a long way to go, reading helps me to grow in self-confidence, convictions and courage.

It has helped me to experience God within and to deepen my faith in Him. I was able to grow closer to the Divine presence within, to solve problems amicably, make right decisions, and to guide others most of the times.

  1. Any book or author that has had a deep impact on you?

Not just one book, but I like to mention a few books by my favorite authors: The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle has helped me to leave behind my baggage from the past and to grow in consciousness. Dr.Wayne Dyer’s Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Lives,’   Louise Hay’s You can Heal Your Life, Heal your Mind, and  few books of  Robin Sharma on Leadership have had a great impact on my life’s journey. I basically prefer the authors who have made great inner transformation in their own lives.

Sr Marina Thomas SU

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