Life is a great tapestry. The individual is only an insignificant thread in an immense and miraculous pattern. (Albert Einstein)

We ended the previous article saying that the practice of the wholeness paradigm would enable priests and religious to stay true to the GOSPEL PARADIGM of Jesus Christ. The Gospel paradigm is an open invitation to ascertain the fullness of life to all people. Similarly, the wholeness paradigm too focuses on empowering everyone with fullness of life. It is also an invitation for individuals to mature and progress in all dimensions of their life. Albert Einstein recognised that a human person is just an insignificant thread that weaves an immense and miraculous pattern, designed by the Divine weaver. This miraculous pattern is from the different areas of life that an individual should mature in. What are these dimensions that one needs to mature in and progress?

The Six-Dimensional Wholeness Paradigm

Stephen Covey’s paradigm consisted of 4 dimensions which included the four different areas of one’s personality, namely, body, mind, heart and spirit. Four dimensions of a person’s life were included in Covey’s model. The Wholeness Paradigm that we discuss here consists of six dimensions, including the four dimensions of the earlier model. They are physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, social and moral dimensions.

Fr. Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj, sdb

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