Magnet Web Jan 2418

The process of synodality has gained significant attention within the Catholic Church today. According to the Instrumentum Laboris, the working document for the first synod assembly, the main objective of the first session was to outline paths of in-depth study to be carried out in a synodal style, indicating the relevant people to be involved and ways to ensure a fruitful process in service to the discernment to be completed in the second session in October 2024. Therefore, consecrated people should be first transformed so as to make synodality happen in reality. Synodality, rooted in the Greek word synodos, meaning ‘journeying together,’ emphasizes the importance of communal discernment, dialogue, and shared decision-making within the Church. This inclusive approach promotes a deeper connection to spirituality among the consecrated people – those who have taken religious vows or promises and live a life of dedication to their faith. In this article, we will explore the significance of synodality in enhancing the spirituality of consecrated individuals, offering practical tips to facilitate this process. To make the process of synodality alive among consecrated people and community leaders, I would like to suggest the following tips for spiritual growth in a synodal context.

  1. Spirituality of Listening: One of the fundamental aspects of synodality is active listening. Encouraging consecrated people to listen attentively to one another, as well as to the voices of the laity and those on the peripheries of society, can deepen their spirituality. In listening, consecrated individuals become more attuned to the needs and concerns of others, enhancing their empathy and compassion, which are essential elements of spiritual growth.

Fr. Sanjit Kumar Kujur, SDB

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