
PRAYING WITH OUR FEET The Spirituality of Peaceful Rallies

“PRAYING WITH OUR FEET The Spirituality of Peaceful Rallies”

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Jewish scholar and mystic, actively participated in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful protest in Selma in 1965. Upon his return from Selma, someone asked him, “Did you manage to find time to pray while you were there?” In response, he said, “I prayed with my feet.” He would say that his peaceful protesting and advocating for Civil Rights was his greatest prayer of all.

Inspired by the letter of the CRI President Sr. Nirmalini AC, religious men and women organised and took part in rallies all across the country. This is something unfamiliar to many of us and yet its significance is becoming increasingly essential given the state of the nation.

Spiritual author Brian McLaren writes: “There is nothing more radically activist than a truly spiritual life, and there is nothing more truly spiritual than a radically activist life.” The current moment calls spiritual people to get active and the activist people to get spiritual. We need our internal revolution to direct the outer revolution.

Br Sunil Britto CFC

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