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Perspective-Taking Quality & the Cognitive Dimension

Perspective-Taking Quality & the Cognitive Dimension

“Life is a matter of perspective. No matter what the weather, no matter what the situation we are in, if we have the right perspective in life, life will always be beautiful.” – Joel Randymar

How does Perspective-taking Impact the Cognitive Dimension?

Perspective-taking questionnaire that was presented in the last issue is a very useful tool that could surprise especially those who think that they are broadminded and unbiased. Those who had responded to the 7 statements mentioned therein would have discovered that we are not so open-minded after all. If you’re feeling uneasy about not scoring higher on that questionnaire, it could be a clear sign that you need to do more to develop the perspective-taking capacity.

Come to think of it, are we not often culpable of harbouring prejudices against individuals with whom we have never personally interacted? Haven’t there been times when we have hastily judged someone initially, only to regret later on for making a quick or hurtful remark? I found it both amusing and poignant when Fr. Stanislaus Swamikannu, our former provincial of the Salesian province of Chennai, shared his thoughts on the events surrounding transfers. He expressed that much like how dowry is sent ahead to the in-law’s house before the bride arrives, members of the previous community transmit biases, opinions, and judgments (the ‘dowry’ of religious life) about the incoming priest or sister to the new community even before his or her arrival.

Fr. Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj, sdb

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