
No other Pope has probably had the wide audience that Pope Francis has. Not only Catholics or Christians of other denominations, but also the world at large, including the highly secularized West, love to listen to this wonderful human being who speaks for humanity at large, with a credible and powerful voice. The world listens to him with respect, for two reasons: One: He speaks of issues that concern humanity deeply (e.g., ecology, economy, migration). Two: He has credibility. The world-famous (and highly secular) newspaper, The Washington Post, wrote: “We like to listen to this Pope, because he talks like Jesus, acts like Jesus, and is like Jesus.”

He is not only the supreme head of the Catholic church. His words reach every corner of the globe within hours or days. He is a humble, simple and intelligent man, whose humanity and spiritual depth shine through in his life and words. No wonder his words have weight. No wonder the world listens.

Here are two of his recent statements—one on ecology, the other on creating an inclusive world. Both display an intelligent grasp of today’s crucial issues and the concern of a truly caring world leader.–Editor

Care for Our Common Home

Pope Francis addressed the second Forum of the Laudato si’ Communities, held July 6, 2019, in Amatrice, Italy.

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