
Fr Prakash was attending a renewal programme. He told the other participants that he had left his former congregation because religious life there was not up to his expectations. There were so many things going wrong in that congregation. Many of the members were not up to the mark, he said. He also disclosed that he had been a theology professor and he had studied under Karl Rahner for some time and later done his doctoral thesis under Hans Küng, the two foremost theologians in the Catholic Church during those years. His current congregation, he often boasted, was very happy and felt privileged to have him as a member and had put him to teach theology. He said his students considered him the best professor at the seminary. He was now on a Sabbatical and his students were quite upset when he left.

It turned out that Fr Prakash had been forced to leave his former religious congregation because those around him couldn’t stand his haughty behaviour and the way he alienated both his professional colleagues and his students. He expected high praise and appreciation for his performance. When that was not forthcoming, he would fish for them asking people how they thought, for example, of a talk he had done.

Fr Jose Parappully SDB

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