For seventeen years, I suffered much pain and several health problems. A decade ago, I was just a fashion designer with my own office in Mumbai, with little or no relationship with the Lord. I lived a powerless life, even though the world thought I had everything.

It was in the year 1997 when I was going into a paralytic stroke that I met our Lord. I had a locked jaw. When I called my doctor, all he could tell me was, “Mrs Rebello, your nervous system is damaged; so, things like this will happen.” I had been sick with spondylitis and an irregular blood circulation for many years. Many doctors told me I had to live with these problems.

So, when all doors close, we say let’s try God. I was told of a prayer meeting in the Holy Spirit hospital. When I reached the service, I felt a little unusual as I had never attended a Charismatic service before. All the singing and clapping made me very uncomfortable. I thought these were a bunch of hysterical people singing to the Lord. When the Word of God was preached, I did not bat an eyelid for forty-five minutes, which was very unusual for me. Tears began to flow. The Word of God touched my heart deeply. From then the Holy Spirit started waking me up to pray at 3 am. It was a really strange hour for a person like me to pray.

Anastasia Rebello

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