
In the past issues, I have attempted to bring home the essential provisions of the Consumer Protection Act – 2019 (CPA-2019). In this issue, I sum up all that has been discussed so far on consumer laws. CPA-2019 was enacted to protect the rights of consumers in the modern consumeristic-competitive-market. A speedy and simple redressal mechanism, in addition to a convenient and inexpensive procedure for the redressal of their grievances, is the main feature of CPA-2019. Competent authorities, namely, Commissions and Councils, have already been established for timely and effective administration and settlement of consumers’ disputes providing effective safeguards to consumers against various types of exploitation and unfair trade practices. CPA-2019 recognizes certain basic rights of consumers and enumerates them in section 2(9).

Consumers’ Rights

  1. A consumer has a Right to Safety from marketing of goods and services hazardous to life and property. Unsafe goods and services may cause death or serious injury to the user. Therefore, the manufacturers and traders must ensure that the goods and services are safe for the users.

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Fr Ravi Sagar SJ

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