Every life has easy and tough moments—times of ease and trying times of loneliness, discouragement and even despair.

How do young religious and novices find fresh energy and enthusiasm again when the going gets tough?

Their answers make sense—for all of us, whatever our age or situation.—Editor

To the question, “What helps you find enthusiasm again when the going gets tough?” the young gave short and sensible answers.

Personal Prayer:

The most frequently mentioned help—and this is no surprise—was personal prayer, especially praying with the Word of God. Sample answers:

“Reading the Word of God.”

“My prayer life, especially personal prayer.”

“The Mass and my personal prayer help me to face every problem.”

“Surrendering myself into the hands of God, who gives me hope and courage through my personal prayer and the Eucharist.”

“Sometimes prayer; sometimes the encouraging and consoling words from my sisters.”

“The Holy Eucharist, which draws me closer to Jesus.”

“Without prayer, I can’t survive.”

“God gives me the grace.”…


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(Once again, thank you, Sr Mariola MSA, for collecting the replies of the young religious and novices.—Editor)

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