Cover Story

The Ordinary in the Extraordinary: Lessons from the Assumption

The Ordinary in the Extraordinary:  Lessons from the Assumption

In this cover story, we delve into Mary’s life and the profound lessons from her Assumption. We explore how Mary’s journey from the Annunciation to the Assumption exemplifies the transformation of the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Mary: An Ordinary Woman Blessed to be Extraordinary

In the bustling town of Nazareth, nestled within the quiet corners of Galilee, lived a young woman named Mary—a figure both revered and misunderstood across cultures and centuries. Her story, recounted in the annals of Christian faith, begins not with pomp and grandeur but with the simple humility of an ordinary life.

Mary: The Outsider

In ancient Judea’s strict society, Mary faced challenges. She was from Nazareth, a town often looked down upon. When she became pregnant without being married, people judged her harshly. This brought her great pain and made her an outcast. But despite this, Mary found strength in her faith. She bravely accepted the extraordinary role given to her by God. Authors like Joan Chittister and Elizabeth Johnson talk about Mary’s bravery. They say her story challenges how power and authority are usually seen. Mary’s courage, even though she was not powerful in society’s eyes, shows us the importance of faith and standing up for what we believe in.

Think about someone who stands up for what’s right in school or at work, even if others disagree. That person might not have the most influence or popularity, but their courage to do what’s right echoes Mary’s bravery in ancient times.

Sr Lini Sheeja MSC

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