The insights of this professional layman, who resigned early from his legal firm to do ministry full time together with his wife, may help us to understand the dignity and holiness of EVERY vocation. In India, don’t we use the word “vocation” to refer only or mostly to priesthood and religious life, and “vocation promotion” as the attempt to get more candidates to our religious order or diocese?—Editor
Each time I sit down to write this column, I am aware of the honour and privilege I am being given to share a little of my life with a group of people whom I admire and respect so deeply. You all have chosen to give your lives in service to the Lord and His people and for that I feel a strong sense of gratitude. The deeper I have gone in my faith journey, the more I have come to appreciate those who have shaped me and made it possible for me to find my own way back to the Catholic faith. I have come to realize that there is little chance that I would be a practicing Catholic today if it wasn’t for the powerful example of the great priests and religious sisters whose lives of dedicated service made an everlasting impression on me. Likewise, impressions of faithfulness provided by my own parents were strong enough to help me to find my way back to faith after years of being seduced by the secular world
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