
Cover Story




Tragedies and hardships bring out the best in the good, and the worst in the bad.

The present pandemic has been added proof of both these truths.

While a large section of the press was busy with political trivia and quoting people who sought publicity, many good people went about doing good. The media look for scandals and tragedies. Goodness is generally unreported.

Want touching examples of human goodness? Here is one.

Sold her Jewelry to Help the Poor

Pascal and Rozy, a couple from Mumbai. Rozy has been critically ill with kidney disease for five years. She has also suffered a brain hemorrhage. Far from drowning in self-pity, this couple did something exceptional. Because of her condition, Pascal bought oxygen cylinders and kept them at home, to use in an emergency.  One night, a friend called asking for an oxygen cylinder. Pascal gave him one at once. What he did next is even more striking. He says, “In my neighborhood, I saw people who had no supplies. Weeks passed but there was a continuous shortage of food. I couldn’t just watch; so I arranged for two tons of pulses and grains to give them.”

Fr Joe Mannath SDB

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Life is Love and Love is God!


God Experience

In 2014, I was doing a spirituality course at Adhyatma Vidya Peetam, Bangalore, as preparation for my final commitment. One day, a professor asked us in the class whether any of us has had a ‘God-Experience.’ As I was seated on the first bench, I raised my hand and said, ‘Yes, I have.’ The priest asked me to share that. So, with conviction, I got up and said, “This morning I’m alive and that’s my God-Experience.”

When we walk in the light of the Lord, when we move with the awareness of God, every second of our life becomes a ‘God-Experience.’ We do not need great miracles to take place to know our God, for we have been created by the God who sent His only Son to become one like us and we have been redeemed by the God who went up to Calvary and stretched out His hands on the Cross saying, “I love you this much.”

Sr Lini Sheeja MSC

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Moving to the marginsTrue Stories


LIfe on the Margins

I write this article while on holiday in my native country. I haven’t been back to Malta in five years, and obviously I do notice a lot of changes—more vehicles, more flyovers, more high-rise flats, more trees are cut and destroyed, more pollution, and . . . . more money in the hands. There are more African immigrants sweeping the streets or hanging on scaffolding at construction sites for a pittance, more Indians and Filipinos slaving themselves as care workers or nurses (without being represented by any union), more Italians running coffee shops, more Eastern Europeans involved in what seems to be shady businesses, more Maltese politicians involved in corruption and money laundering, and . . . . more money in the hands of natives. Some people are making more and more money (irrespective of its origin), and all this against the backdrop of the pandemic. For the past month, all non-essential shops and churches were closed, we could only walk two by two on the streets and we could barely meet in each other’s houses. Police and other authorities can, if they want, inspect our homes to see that we are abiding by their directives. More and more instructions are being issued on a daily basis. But at least, the number of infected people is finally going down. It is really a strange time to take a holiday.

Bro Carmel Duca MC

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Tips For Superiors

Three Basics Most essential for our  journey

Tips for Superiors

Mother Teresa attended a prayer session conducted by Father Sebastian Champanil, a Salesian priest. She requested him to preach a retreat to the MC sisters.  Fr Sebastian told her, “Mother, I am not a scholar.”  Mother said, “I am not looking for scholars.  I am looking for holy people.”  Fr Sebastian objected, “Mother, I am not a holy person to preach to the sisters.”   Mother Teresa replied, “Then, become holy!”  All that Fr Sebastian could do was to give her a smile of surrender.

What can we do to become holy? Here are steps we need to take.

  1. Be Your True Self

Thomas Merton said, “For me, to be a saint means to be myself.”

What did he mean?  He says that we need to make a distinction between our “true self” and the “false self.”

We may say that the “false self” is made up of two aspects—the roles we play in life and the image we present to others.

Fr Jose Kuttianimattathil SDB

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Admit Your Mistakes

Tips for Teachers

Fr Joseph Murphy SDB was principal of Sacred Heart College, Tiruppattur, Tamilnadu. If you were to ask anyone who was a student or faculty member in those years, “Whom do you recall with the greatest admiration?” the name that would come up most frequently was that of Fr Murphy.

Why? Why did and why do people remember him with so much admiration?

Three reasons, as far as I know.

One: Willingness to apologize.

Fr Murphy was strict. And he was hot-tempered. But, if he lost his temper with anyone, whether a staff member or student, he would go to that person the same day, and say, “Sorry I lost my temper with you today.” I have seen this happen.

How many teachers and principals would do the same?

Two: Kindness.

One day, a boy reached the college drenched to the skin. It was raining heavily, and he did not have an umbrella. Fr Murphy saw him from his office upstairs. He came down, and asked a group of us who were boarders, “Can one of you please go to the dormitory and get a dry shirt for that boy?” He did not want the young man to spend the day wearing a wet shirt.

Fr Joe Mannath SDB

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Couples Speak


Couples speak


When Crystal and I wrote the article last month on motherhood, I recall admitting that I had never really appreciated the great gift of my own mother and the impact that she had on my life. Providentially, it was only a mater of a few days before I was given the opportunity to reflect further on that as we prepared for her funeral Mass. She passed at the age of eighty-nine after several years of declining physical and mental health. It was a powerful and beautiful time made ever more precious by hearing so many friends and family members sharing tributes of her grace and beauty in their lives. Each remembrance evoked my own memories of the times when I witnessed her loving dedication and faithfulness that she so generously shared with family, friends and her faith community. I couldn’t help but see that much of what is good in me now is a result of the unwavering model of my mother’s love that she so graciously shared with me and my eight brothers and sisters. Because of her loving and faith-filled example, I have become better able to step into my own spiritual life and better reflect on and appreciate the joy and peace that God has in mind for all of us.

Crystal and Kevin Sullivan

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Canon Law



I am Sr Cyriaka, Major Superior of a congregation. Sr Humilis, a member of our congregation, was sent for study. But, after the study, she did not return to the community. We tried many ways to contact her, but we could not get to her. We also contacted her family members. They knew her whereabouts, but did not want to reveal it. We have had no contact with Sr Humilis for seven months. What canonical action could be taken in this situation?

First of all, the immediate Major Superior should verify the reason for the abrupt departure of this member. Talk first with the person’s community members. Next, try to persuade the family members to bring the sister for an amicable dialogue. If the member does not want to live in a particular community, then the Superior should look for possible options such as a transfer, admonition or facilitate the living situation in a place other than the community for some time, for example, a retreat house, a retirement home, etc.

Sr Navya Thattil OSF

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Candles In The Dark

The Doctor of the Poor


The last day of the month of April this year turned out to be a joy-filled day all over Venezuela. On that day the people of Venezuela forgot their many problems and pain and celebrated the honour accorded to a person whom they had loved and revered for years – Dr. José Gregorio Hernández.  He was beatified that day by the Catholic Church.

But long before the Church decided to officially declare him a ‘Blessed,’ Venezuelans had been praying to this ‘Doctor of the Poor.’ Writing in America magazine (07 May 2021), Luz Marine Diaz, a Venezuelan herself, says, “When Venezuelans get sick, it is typical for us to ask José Gregorio Hernández to intercede for us. From our youngest days, we are told about how this good and generous doctor showed special care for the poorest in our society.”

Hernández was born on 26 October 1864 in a village in the state of Trujillo in Venezuela. When he was just 12 years old, he came up with a booklet titled, Short and Easy Way to Hear Mass with Devotion. His favorite books included Thomas of Kempis’s The Imitation of Christ and a biography of Saint Teresa of Ávila. Although he nursed a desire to become a monk, he studied medicine at the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas, the country’s capital. After completing his studies, he went back to Trujillo to work as a physician. A government grant enabled him to go to Paris for further studies in medicine. He travelled also to Berlin, Madrid and New York to study other fields of medicine, such as experimental physiology and bacteriology.

Fr M A Joe Antony SJ

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Documents in Brief



Here is medical information from an authoritative source.

(The lockdown delayed the publication of this issue. That is why an interview done in July is quoted in the June issue of this magazine!)

In an interview published in The Hindu newspaper of July 15, Dr Pratima Murthy, Director of NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore), speaks of the neurological and emotional fallout of Covid.

Dr Murthy speaks of the change in awareness. When COVID first hit, people were afraid of contracting it from objects, touch, etc. They would wash groceries before cooking, and avoid touching things. Later, this fear was seen as largely unfounded.

Keeping physical distance from people, especially dear ones, has had serious consequences. Doctors find that a number of survivors of COVID, having been deprived of human contact during their bout of illness, suffer repeated panic attacks.

In some ways, children adjusted better than adults, since they are used to change. But if the lack of contact was prolonged, it had consequences on their psyche.

Deprived of normal physical contacts in school, home and neighborhood, children often ended up with excessive access to social media. Some of them have been negatively influenced—by gaming, gambling and pornography.

Lack of real life contacts and physical movement can also affect their physical and cultural development.

Asked about the possible long-term impact of Covid, Dr Murthy replied, “Yes, it can have long-term implications. We are seeing cases where people are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can persist for long time. Then, on people with pre-existing mental health problems, the stress, anxiety, and grief could have a compound effect.”

So, too, when a person’s brain is affected, it can damage their mental health.

One issue is: People are not used to talking about their mental health problems or seeking help. We need to integrate our mental and physical health. Stress and other mental health problems can severely affect our physical health. It is not enough to care for our body. Since there is need of support and help, NIMHANS is offering online help. It is offered by qualified personnel, and is available 24 hours, seven days a week.

Some professionals, especially those in medical work, face lots of stress. To manage this, a person needs to focus on both one’s positive and negative experiences. Thus, for instance, a doctor should not recall only the patients who died, but remember those who got better and those who died. If he were to focus only on the deaths, he will under tremendous stress.

Dr Pratima Murthy’s suggestions are worth taking into account. We all need to focus on our integral well-being—physical, emotional, social, spiritual—for we human beings are a complex unity. This will help us also to understand the emotional ups and downs of actual or recovered Covid patients, and to give them the support they need. If we cannot do it ourselves, we will do well to seek professional help—be it for ourselves or for those in our care.

Fr Joe Mannath SDB

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I am blessed to receive a copy of your May 2021 Issue, Volume 5.

A soft copy the same was forwarded to me by a friend.

It is rightly said that “first impression is last impression.”  “The Editorial” is very, very well written, beautifully explained what is to follow in the following pages.

More important the topic of VOCATION very properly explained. I am short of words to pay my complements, my hats off to your writing. God Bless you.

As regards the other contents, I have still to go through completely, each article is impressive. What to say – no words – my folded hands to the writers.


Alexander, ALEXANDER ENTERPRISES, Visa Consulting , New Delhi


Many thanks for your gift of three bound volumes of MAGNET (Volumes 2, 3, & 4) to our NVSC Library.

The Staff, Diploma Trainees, and other participants who come here for refresher courses will definitely benefit from the acclaimed magazine MAGNET.

I have already began reading the articles in MAGNET and I will be quoting from your article ‘Time Management: Getting our Priorities Right’ in my address tomorrow to our thirty-seven, trainees who are here for their Diploma program in Counselling and Integral Formation. Your thoughts are practical and action-oriented, giving meaning to life. Thank you.

May God protect you and all your staff in your community to continue the good work inspiring millions through MAGNET.

Fr. Alex Clement, Director, National Vocation Service Centre, Pune

 Honouring a former National Secretary of CRI

 Sr Dolores Rego FMM

Sr. Dolores Rego was born in Mangalore on 12th September 1932 as the eldest daughter of Lucy and John Joseph Rego. She entered the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary on 14th June 1962 in Ketti, Nilgiris. She made her first profession in Maria Assunta Convent, Pune, in 1964. Soon after her first profession, she was sent to the Generalate house in Rome to help in the General Treasurer’s office for two years. She made her Final Profession in 1970. From 1966 to 1973, she assisted the Provincial treasurer at St Thomas Convent, Mylapore. From 1973 to 1978 she was the Provincial treasurer of Ootacamund province.

She attended Theological course in Mater Dei Institute, Goa, from 1978 to1980. In 1980 the five provincials of India had a new venture and needed a common Secretary for the five Provinces and Sr Dolores was chosen as the Common Secretary. In 1986 Dolores was appointed as the local superior of Maris Stella Convent, Vijayawada. In 1990 she was transferred to St. Anthony’s Home, Mumbai, where she was in charge of the orphans and the crèche.

In 1996 she was selected as the National Secretary of the Conference of Religious, India (CRI). She accomplished this task for eight years with great determination, efficiency and enthusiasm. In the year 2000, Sr Dolores was appointed as the Executive Secretary of AMOR (Asia-Oceania Meeting of Religious). As the National Secretary of CRI, Sr Dolores organized Annual Conferences, Assemblies for the Major Superiors of India. She authored a booklet, Religious life in the New Era and also contributed an article in the book “Women’s Development in India.”

In 2006, Sr Dolores was entrusted with the work of the History of the FMM Mumbai Province. Music was her delight, she used to play violin, guitar and the keyboard.  She loved children, was fun-loving, and above all she loved the poor and the orphans. Sr Dolores enjoyed life and celebrated it to the full, be it with her family or friends or with her sisters in the community. She had many friends and acquaintances all over the world and kept in touch with them till the end.

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