Feedback on MAGNET, please!
Tell us what you think of MAGNET.
Please take five minutes and rate MAGNET magazine and its regular features. Easy! Just write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each item. The numbers have the following values:
5 = Excellent for priests, religious, seminarians & educated laity
4 = Useful & interesting
3 = Somewhat useful
2 = Of very limited use or appeal 1 = Irrelevant and quite useless. Drop it!
- Cover Stories in general (e.g., Mental Illness, Catholic Education, Fratelli Tutti, …)
- Candles in the Dark
- Canon Law
- Couplespeak
- Documents in brief
- Editorial
- Finance
- Inspiration (quotes on the cover topic)
- Law
- Letters to the Editor
- Life on the Margins
- Psychology
- Reviews (books and movies)
- Special Days
- Tips for Superiors
- Experiential articles (vocation stories, God-experience, ministry, young religious, aging gracefully, …)
- Interviews
- Fun and more
Please rate the following aspects of MAGNET, by circling the appropriate number against each item. (5 shows the highest appreciation and 1 shows the least.)
- Contents: …….5 4 3 2 1
- Language and presentation: 5 4 3 2 1
- Visual appeal (artwork, photos, design): 5 4 3 2 1
- Quality of the paper and printing: 5 4 3 2 1
- Does MAGNET appeal to most priests and religious? To most/many/some/a few
- Does it attract educated lay persons? 5 4 3 2 1
- How many of the articles do you usually read? All/ most/half/fewer than half/very few
- h) What you like best: (1)……… (2)………………(3)…………
- i) What you like least: (1)……………. (2)……………….
- Do you prefer a magazine produced: (i) on good paper with art work and colour pages (as we are doing now), or (ii) on cheaper paper with less attractive presentation (and hence lower cost)? (i) or (ii)
- Your overall assessment of MAGNET (Please circle or underline one alternative):
(5) Excellent! One of the best magazines I know.
(4) A good magazine. Worth reading.
(3) Average. With good and bad elements.
(2) Not enthusiastic about it.
(1) Poor in contents and presentation
- Other topics MAGNET should have:
(1) ………………………………………………………………….
(2) ………………………………………………………………….
(3) ……………………………………………………………….
- Writers we should contact for articles:
- Name: ………………………….. Subject(s): ……………..………
- Name: ………………………….. Subject(s): ……………..………
- Name: ………………………….. Subject(s): ……………..………
- Comments & suggestions you like to add (Feel free to use additional sheets):
…………………………………………………………………………………… Please mail this sheet (or a photocopy of it) with your answers to:
Editor, MAGNET, CRI House, Masihgarh, New Friends Colony P O, New Delhi 110025.
OR: E-mail your answers to and If you are using email, no need to retype the questions. Simply give your answers, eg, I a): 5. You can also ask us for the soft copy of the Feedback Form; we shall send it to you.
To show our appreciation for the time and attention you devote to this feedback, we will send a copy of the bestseller, A Radical Love, A Path of Light (worth Rs 220) to the first 20 completed forms we receive.