1. When you hear or use the word “vocation,” what comes to your mind? What, in simple words, is a vocation?

Vocation is a call to love and serve God; a call to my life to be a response to something (or someone) beyond myself; a reminder that I need to go beyond myself to a particular mission; an expression of a deep desire to get into the shoes of others in need; it is a journey upon untreaded paths; in short, it is a deliberate ‘yes’ to a mission that is challenging and comforting.

  1. According to you, are we (Religious) sincerely trying to promote the vocation of every person – to live as Jesus showed, and do God’s work – or, are we simply looking for “hands for work” (people to staff our institutions)?

Sometimes I feel that many of us religious are not trying to promote the vocation of serving the Church and the society. We need to realize the dream or ideal for which one has joined the religious life. True, we need hands and human resources to carry out the mission of our Congregation, but we force the apostolate upon the individuals, who don’t have any liking for that type of work; instead, we can have constant re-visiting of our apostolates, according to the signs of the times, in order to enable our new recruits to contribute their mite to the vision and mission of the congregation.


Sr Ranjana Carval FS

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