O Lord, author of my life,
The only love of my life,
You gave me the past, called childhood,
Which held both blessings and burdens.
Blessings were Your graces,
Burdens, my sinful embraces.
O Lord, Prince of Peace,
Now You have given me the present,
Which is called Youth,
Full of freedom and choice.
Freedom is Your generosity towards me,
Choice is my responsibility to You.
O Lord, ever-living, ever-loving,
By Your grace, grant me a future,
To be called old age,
Full of hope and anxiety.
Hope in Your fidelity,
Anxiety is my frailty.
Therefore, O Lord, my life,
Hear the prayer of my soul.
In regrets, help me hope;
In crisis, help me hope;
In anxiety, help me hope.
From then, now, and evermore,
Guide me as a pilgrim of hope.
Anish NSJ
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