
Poikilo is a Greek word that means ‘varied’ or ‘many-colored.’ Here I introduce a new phobia termed as ‘Poikilophobia’, to mean the ‘fear of accepting diversities’. This article is an attempt to prove that synodality or the synodal way of life proposed by the Church is the medicine for poikilophobia.

In fact, biologically ‘each person is a celebration of diversities.’ Even though one’s eyes seem similar, some scientific studies say that the right eyeball is slightly smaller than the left one! It is even said that almost everyone has a dominant eye, even if the difference between the two eyes doesn’t feel that stark! We are surprised to understand that fingerprints also vary among one’s own fingers, this means to say that a person has unique print on each finger. It is also notable that ‘humankind itself is a celebration of diversities.’ An easy way to understand this is to know that no two people have ever been found to have the same fingerprints – including identical twins!

Of course, the Creator of human beings loved the diversity in a person and among persons. The Creator believed in the integral unity in a human being.  The Creator has ‘decorated the unity of humanity with diversity.’ However, many seek a ‘fake unity’ saying that ‘we look alike, or we follow the same tradition, or we have the same religious belief’ etc. Seeking unity does not mean to gather a group of people who seem to think, act and speak the same things. This is a challenge to the Creator who loves diversities! Therefore, let us say that the ‘fake unity’ is the result of human ego and fear of existence. Here comes the relevance of the Synod, which calls for sharing, listening to and reflecting on diversities.

Fr Binny Mary Das

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