1. “Church” for me means:

When I was small, the word ‘Church” meant for me the parish structure, the parish priest and the bishop; as I grew older, the word ‘Church’ and what I saw before my eyes was the hierarchy and the religious. But today for me the word ‘Church’ means all the People of God, especially the laity. The first image I get as soon as I hear the word ‘Church’ is a large group of mixed people standing together with raised hands with joy and smile on their faces.

  1. My main experiences of the Church: I choose the ones I have indicated in italics:
  • As a loving family of faith led by Christ-like servant leaders who seek the good of the least, and not power;
  • As a worldly organization in which the quest for power and money dominates;
  • As an impractical and somewhat irrelevant organization from which people do not expect much;

Bro Paul Raj SG

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