
I am Sr Lea serving as assistant to novice mistress from 2017.   A new mistress joined our community some six months ago.  She is much younger to me and her behaviour with the novices makes me feel that she is not fit for the post.  Would you please explain the qualifications required of a novice mistress, role of the major superiors in formation and whether novices are bound by the vow of obedience?

Your questions are very relevant. We shall deal with them one by one.

  1. Qualities and Qualifications of a Novice Mistress
    The Constitutions of each institute should specify the qualifications of a novice mistress in their own institute.  The first necessary qualification is that the persons entrusted in forming new members in the life and spirit of the institute should themselves be steeped in its spirit, charism and experienced in many dimensions of its life.  Secondly, personal qualities must include an inner serenity, availability, maturity, patience, understanding and a true affection for those entrusted to their care.  Thirdly, she is to be a role-model to the novices.

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Sr Licia SMI

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