Aug 14-min


For the last five years, I have been a member of the “Women at the Well Prison Ministry” team, helping to lead Christian retreats for women prisoners. Over two days, we witness to the women prisoners with stories of how we encountered the person of Jesus in our lives and how that made a difference in our understanding of God’s love and mercy. The team leaders have always recognized that two of the most crucial talks are entitled “Healing of Memories” and “Forgiveness.”

Most are victims; some have committed terrible crimes

Most of the imprisoned women are victims themselves of either physical or sexual abuse, extremely dysfunctional families and/or mental illness.  Before God’s love and mercy are able to be real for them, before they can be truly healed and made free, they must recognize the impact of the hurt that has been imposed on them, and be willing to forgive those that were responsible.

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Crystal and Kevin Sullivan

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