MAY 07


For most priests and religious in India, the month of May is the time for transfers or appointments.  I am therefore addressing the issue related to transfers and appointments from the point of view of administration.

It is only natural for anyone to feel uncertain and to some extent nervous and frightful too, when he/she is appointed the first time in any administrative post—be it the Bishop, Provincial, Vicar General, Councilors, Bursar/Procurator/Treasurer, Superior, Principal, Secretary, Manager, Director, Parish Priest,  Minister, Administrator,  farm or kitchen in-charge.  If the person has no one to guide him/her, then the feeling of insecurity is all the greater.  This article is an attempt to guide such persons.  Some may be given more than one responsibility, such as Principal and Superior, Minister and Treasurer, Secretary and Treasurer, etc.

We will first discuss one of the most important topics applicable to us, namely, administration, and then within the administration, what is common for all, irrespective of what post one is to take up, and then deal with the matters specific to the general administration, financial administration and property administration.  Finally, we shall also see the roles (job description) of some important officials in administration.

What is administration?

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Fr Alex Gnanapragasam SJ




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