Looking Back

From Religious Brother to Husband and Father

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The author, a husband and father of twins, as well as principal of a school in Chandigarh, looks back on his happy years as an Irish Christian Brother, and shares the lessons he learnt from religious life, as well as the joys and challenges of his present vocation.

At forty-six years of age, I, Louis Lopez, am a married man with an affectionate wife and two adorable twins aged seven and a half and presently an educationist in Chandigarh.

After eleven years at St Columba’s School, New Delhi, I was inspired by the Christian Brother who taught me, and I decided to join the Congregation. It was the first time I left home for such a long period. After the first few glorious months of being away from home, at sixteen years of age, I was struck by extreme homesickness. On returning to Delhi for my first Christmas vacation, I was certain that I would not return to Shillong even at the cost of losing a year in my academic progress. That decision changed mysteriously, and I found myself on a train, heading back to St Edmund’s College, Shillong. This was my first significant learning; to stay away from loved ones and yet learn, grow and develop.

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Louis Lopez

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