How I Meet God


Meeting God

Storms in life are sure to come.  Tossed by the storms of life, when the heart longed for calm and a sure guide, I cried aloud to God. He answered me, saying, “I am with you always.” But how can I feel for sure His presence and friendship?

Years rolled by in anxiety and fear, but with constant prayer and search.  Slowly the grace of God enlightened me to know the secret of life in the words of Prophet Isaiah (30: 15), “In silence and in confidence shall be your strength.” I remember a beautiful quote from a book, Silence as Yoga by Swami Paramananda, in which it is said, “How sweet is the sound of silence! How tender is its touch! How fragrant is its breathing! How lovely is its form!”  But how am I to quieten my anxious mind to feel this silence?

Breath and God’s Presence

I have heard and read the benefits of breathing exercise to silence the restless mind. Here I remember a famous quote by Eckhart Tolle, “Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment–the key to all inner transformation.  Whenever you are conscious of your breath, you are absolutely present. Conscious breathing stops your mind.” Yes, twenty-one years ago, I remember very vividly, while waiting in a hall for an annual day celebration to start, there was some time in which I became aware of my breathing and began to feel God’s very presence within me. The verse from the book of Job (33: 4) says, “The very breath of God is in you.” This strengthened my faith in God and His presence within me.

Sr Nambikai Kithari SAP

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