1. My Image of the Church:

The Church comes across as an institution whose hierarchy has been used to wielding power, and who now finds itself in disarray because its teachings and ‘way of being’ are predominantly being seen as antediluvian. The emerging understanding of its teachings and a new ‘way of being’ which is being encouraged by Pope Francis is being stymied, resulting in factionalism.  The laity stand on the sidelines, watching this imbroglio. This is hardly the Church of Christ.

There is another image of the anawim, which comes to mind. This is especially seen in the Church operating especially in the missions among the poor, the marginalised and the rejected. It is here that we get a glimpse of what the Church needs to be and what we in the city are being challenged to be like. We have seen some exemplary examples of witnessing during the pandemic, both in the city and the missions.

  1. I see the church as…
  • a worldly organization in which the quest for power and money dominates; an impractical and somewhat irrelevant organization from which people do not expect much; one of the several organizations conducting some religious functions and doing some social service; and also as an organization keen on promoting holiness (Christ-like life), with living examples of holiness among its members.

Conrad Saldanha

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