It may surprise some readers that spirituality is being discussed in a column that is titled “Psychology & Life”!
This surprise arises from misconception of psychology and of spirituality. We normally assume that the two are very different. Not really. Both have to do with everyday life and behaviour and thus have much in common.
For a very long time there was mutual animosity between proponents of religion and spirituality on one hand and psychologists on the other. Following Freud’s dismissal of religion as a neurosis, psychologists in general had until quite recently looked down upon religion and spirituality and even taken a hostile stand against it. The American Psychological Association (APA), the largest body of psychologists in the world, had cultivated an anti-religion stance for a long time. That has changed. The APA today has Division (No. 36) Society for Psychology of Religion and Spirituality and has in the recent past published several books and articles on the role of religion and spirituality in promoting and enhancing mental health and therapeutic effectiveness. It has two peer-reviewed Journals: The Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, and Spirituality in Clinical Practice.
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Fr Jose Parappully SDB