Editorial – A Culture of Care

 The world finds itself engulfed in the season of war, where pain, loss, and grief have become all too familiar. A harrowing sense of confusion looms over nations, worsened by the proliferation of hatred and violence, often perpetuated by leaders whose messages are blindly embraced by the masses. It is undeniably a challenging stage for humanity. In the face of such global turmoil, it has become increasingly vital for us to reevaluate the direction of our intentions and actions.

The Church, on the other hand, is convening a unique synod, one that marks a profound departure from the old paradigms and embraces a new trajectory.  This Synod transcends the ordinary, drawing its essence from the diversity of the human spirit. It champions a culture of profound and respectful listening, where the pulsating heartbeats of various narratives weave together in a symphony of shared experiences. Here, the compass points towards a new trajectory, one that begins from the roots, from the everyday stories and struggles of people. It is a journey of empathy and understanding, where dialogue becomes the bridge and communication the universal language. In this space, listening takes on a trans-formative power, carrying echoes of ancient wisdom and the whispers of contemporary aspirations. It is a place where the gentle breeze of the spirit dances with the fervor of Pentecost, stirring hearts, and igniting hope. As one of the participants of the Synod articulates, “It’s not just about hearing; it is about truly feeling the pulse of humanity, recognizing the shared threads that bind us all.” As the stories unfurl and blend, a tapestry of unity is woven, celebrating the richness of our collective journey. This Synod is a testament to the profound beauty found in the harmonious resonance of diverse voices, echoing the essence of a Church longing to be united in compassion and care.

The focal point of this edition of Magnet is the Global Compact on Education (GCE), an initiative set forth by the visionary leadership of Pope Francis. The essence of this global compact lies in the creation of a culture steeped in care, respect, peace, meaningful relationships, and above all, trust.

The first Cover story by Fr Arnald Mahesh gives us a summary of the Global Compact with the seven commitments significant for this trans-formative endeavor. Fr Binny, reflects on the convergences between the Global compact and the New National Education Policy (NEP 2020) recognizing the shared responsibilities and aspirations that bind us as a  community committed to nurturing others. Sch Denver offers us a profound reflection on the role of teachers and educators as catalysts for profound societal transformation.  In addition to the excellent and meaningful articles by our regular writers, there are reflections by two of our young scholastics on the ongoing Synod.

The month of November is also a month of memory, especially of our loved ones and those gone before us, who contributed to creating a culture of care. It is essential that we contemplate on how we can each contribute to building harmony and care in our own contexts.

Firstly, we must collectively strive to lessen hate speech, recognizing the toxic implications of divisive rhetoric on the fabric of our societies. Secondly, a conscious effort to decrease negativity in our thoughts, words, and deeds is crucial to cultivating an environment of empathy and understanding. Deliberately choosing a positive outlook can serve as a powerful catalyst for fostering an atmosphere of hope and reconciliation. Furthermore, we must actively seek to collaborate with like-minded groups dedicated to the pursuit of harmony, recognizing that collective efforts are indispensable in effecting meaningful change. Finally, reaching out to others in our communities, extending a hand of empathy and compassion, can serve as a cornerstone for building bridges across societal divides.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our esteemed writers for their unwavering commitment and the exceptional quality of their contributions. We also express our profound gratitude to the dedicated editorial team whose tireless efforts have culminated in the creation of this insightful issue. Most importantly, we extend our gratitude to our readers, whose engagement and commitment to creating a better world are the true driving forces behind the spirit of this publication. Let us, as a community, seize this opportunity to heed the call for creating a culture of care and harmony, embracing the values of respect, peace, and trust espoused by the Global Compact on Education. Together, let us pave the way for a brighter, more compassionate future for generations to come.

Pushpa Joseph

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