First, a big THANK YOU!
Sr Marline Pinto MCJ joined the National CRI team in February 2016, with a commitment to help us for a year. She offered her capable services here as Associate Editor. On completion of her term, she has gone to continue her mission in North East India.
A smart and capable person, Sr Marline had been a school principal, a provincial, a missionary in Japan, and a member of the general council of her order.
While going back to her religious order, Sr. Marline has agreed to continue checking the manuscripts of each issue for spelling, contents and style. If MAGNET is largely free of spelling mistakes and awkward or unclear expressions, the credit goes largely to Sr. Marline. Her reading was meticulous, and her checking prompt and masterly. She will continue to offer us this service from Tura, where she is posted. Hence her new title on our masthead.
Thank you, Sr. Marline, for sharing with MAGNET your rich experience, intelligence, imagination and drive. Thank you for offering to help us from afar.
We are thrilled to see the enthusiastic way lay professionals-young, middle-aged and senior-respond to MAGNET. We are living a transition period in church history when lay women and men have begun to offer competent services and leadership in areas which were once the monopoly of religious and priests-education, medical work, social services, media. We, religious and priests, need to see, and rejoice at, the fact that there are many more competent people “out there” than among us. So, too, it is high time, we “caught up” with Vatican ll in seeing “vocation” as something every believer has-not a rare gift granted to a few. Every one of us is called to holiness and to ministry.
We are thrilled, therefore, to see that MAGNET appeals to educated, well-informed lay persons, who send us rave reviews of the magazine.
For this magazine, published by National CRI, concerns itself with the larger human issues all of us face rather than with “sacristy discussions.” Pope Francis has been calling us to this repeatedly. May we have his openness, concern and courage.
Please do three things for us.
Introduce more people to MAGNET.
Tell us what you think of it, and how we can do it better.
And, if you know people who write clearly, creatively, and passionately about relevant topics, give us their names. We can all learn from them.
– Fr. Joe Mannath SDB is the National Secretary of CRI and the editor of this magazine
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