Carlos Welch, a central figure at the Christian Counselling Centre, Vellore (Tamiladu), once said: “Everyone needs counselling.” One of the trainees objected: “You told us that we should stand on our own feet. Why run to a counsellor?” Carlos gave a sensible reply: “Part of standing on one’s own feet is to know when we need help.”
We all need help. None of us is strong the whole time. I am lucky if there are people—or at least one person—with whom I can be myself, without fear. For this, we need someone who truly cares, who gives us full attention when we need it, points out the good in us that we do not see, challenges us to be true to the best in ourselves, and stands by us.
Do you have this kind of a someone in your life? Do you know what it means to be fully yourself with someone, and receive honest, affirming and wise feedback, and experience a new zest for life?
This is what counselling can do for us—provided we find the right person to talk to.
And, in our turn, each of us—especially parents, teachers, priests, religious and others who hold caring roles—can be a healing presence for others. We can be helpful counsellors—to the troubled teenager, the confused young couple, the self-destroying addict, the broken person on the street—provided we develop a listening heart, the willingness to set aside our self-preoccupations and give loving attention to a human being in pain.
This month’s cover story is about it. So, too, the book and movie reviews.
Our much-loved regular features continue.
A reminder: February 8th is the Day of Prayer and Awareness to fight Human Trafficking, one of the most terrible evils of today. February 11th is the Day of the Sick. May we observe these days meaningfully.
Read about a world-famous man whose personal life was so incredibly simple. So, too, see the interview with a bold and humble religious leader. Plus tips for a meaningful Lent. And twelve guidelines for renewal. And more.
Read the whole mag. Tell us what you think.
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– Fr. Joe Mannath SDB is the National Secretary of CRI and the editor of this magazine
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