
“Happy New Year!”
We wish each other happiness in the new year.
So, too, on birthdays and other “special” occasions.
So, we thought: Let us devote this issue to the theme of happiness.

Our wishing you a Happy New Year will not make
the year (or even a day) happy for you. But we can tell you the secret of happiness. There are tested and proved ways of making ourselves happier. Want to learn them? Read this month’s cover story. It is largely taken (and adapted) from my best-selling book, Happiness Right Now.

Linked to the cover story is our book review. Instead of reviewing one book, we are presenting ten very useful books on happiness. The choice is yours!

The movie, too, is on the same theme—on a man’s search for happiness in very trying circumstances. It is based on a true story.

Interview: Since we learn best from real people rather than from clever theories, we plan to interview inspiring and challenging persons. As a start, we interviewed someone whose heart was with the poorest, in whom she sought and found God, and was later entrusted with the responsibility of leading her international order.
Technology: Helping us understand and use the tools found right at our finger tips.
Gospel Toons: Drawings by a gifted artist on the Sunday Gospel readings—with a mini-message on each.

An unusual vocation story of a young woman who first wanted to marry and have twelve children, and later made more surprising discoveries!

Parents and teachers are called to be healers. See how.

And our other highly appreciated regular features—Psychology, Documents in Brief, Couples, Consecrated Life, Candles in the Dark, For the Young—all written by experienced and known writers.
We can only wish you a happy new year.
It is up to each of us to make it meaningful and happy.

– Fr. Joe Mannath SDB, National Secretary, CRI

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