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Diversity is Celebration, Diversity is for Celebration

Diversity is Celebration, Diversity is for Celebration

Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of human differences. This can include – albeit not limited to – race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, and political beliefs. Although the world boasts a remarkable richness of diversity, India stands out as one of the most diverse countries on the planet. India wears its diversity like a vibrant, woven tapestry. But here’s the amazing thing: this diversity isn’t just tolerated; it’s celebrated! India’s diversity is beautifully woven with cultures, traditions, languages, and religions, showcasing millennia of rich history. From the majestic peaks of the Himalayas to the sun-drenched shores of Kanyakumari, India’s panorama exudes a spectrum of colours, with each region presenting its own distinct essence. This multifaceted terrain cultivates an atmosphere where unity harmonizes with a myriad of identities. Let us briefly delineate some prominent ones.

Indian Diversity. (i) Indian Cultural Kaleidoscope dazzles with diversity, spanning classical dances, musical melodies, literary treasures, artistic wonders, architectural marvels, linguistic nuances, religious vistas, culinary delights, and cherished traditions. (ii) Festive Splendour of India echoes throughout the year, each one rich in unique lore and rituals – crossing religious and regional boundaries.

(iii) Spiritual Harmony: India hosts a mosaic of religious traditions, fostering an ethos of tolerance and reverence. (iv) Linguistic Flourish: With over 1,600 languages and dialects, India stands as a testament to linguistic diversity – each tongue is a vessel of cultural legacy. (v) Culinary Odyssey of India unfolds an array of flavours, textures, and aromas, each region boasting its own signature.

Fr Arnald Mahesh SDB

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