CRI News and Events

Discerning Leadership and Collaborative Planning National CRI Executive Meeting 2023

“Discerning Leadership and Collaborative Planning National CRI Executive Meeting 2023”

The National Executive Meet of the Conference of Religious India (CRI) held from 2-4th March 2023 at CRI House, Delhi, was a highly significant event, attended by around 28 members, including the National President Sr Nirmalini AC, the Vice Presidents of the brothers’ and priests’ sections Bro T Amalan FSC and Fr Thomas Thekkel CMI, and the National Secretary Sr Elsa Muttathu PBVM, who had made all the arrangements for the meeting along with the CRI staff.

The meeting focused on important issues such as discerning leadership, reports on CRI’s initiatives, and sharing of plans and activities from different regions. One of the most notable highlights of the gathering was the orientation to discerning leadership. The members were given an insight into the importance of critical discernment at a time when the call to become prophetic and creative leaders is being felt urgently in our milieu.

Another important aspect of the meeting was the presentation of the report by the National Secretary Sr Elsa. The report focused on the initiatives undertaken by the CRI in shaping the journey of the religious for a prophetic contribution to society and the Church. The report covered various areas such as finance, membership, projects, and initiatives and also discussed some of the challenges faced and the steps taken to overcome them. The members appreciated the efforts made by the National Secretary and discussed ways to build on the successes achieved so far.

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