I had a stunning encounter with a prudent child at Loyola Primary School, my Saturday social ministry place. He opened his Pandora’s box of questions and posed a perplexing yet remarkable one: “Who came first, the hen or the chicken?” I remained bewildered and flabbergasted for a few seconds. Another companion who had come along with me bravely answered him with a counter-question: “Who was born first, you or your parents?” The student, with a broad smile, responded, “I’m the child of my parents, so they were born first.” “So did the hen,” replied my companion.

Truly, it’s a great thing to spend time and enjoy with children. Their innocent and kind nature always attracts me and, at times, makes me petrified. However, the rising brutality and violence against these young children is a cause for concern. People think that these children don’t have  much value and are thus often neglected. This is not the story of this century alone, but this evil has existed even since the time of Jesus. A very famous passage in the Bible can indeed prove this. When some people brought their little ones to Jesus, the disciples of Jesus objected to them meeting Him (Luke 18:15-17). But Jesus rebuked His disciples and allowed the children to meet Him. He embraced the little ones and blessed them.

Oswin Fernandes, NSJ

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A Real Powerhouse!

young religious speak-04

The seed of religious vocation was sown in me many years ago when I was a little girl. The Loreto Sisters in school never ceased to fill me with wonder and awe. I wished to become like them some day. It took me many years to take the plunge to join religious life. I was already an independent working woman when I was reminded of my call. Finally, in 2009, I took the leap of faith to join Loreto.

I came as a late vocation to the congregation thinking I knew the congregation well, with a deep desire and hope to live a radical life. Over the last ten years life taught me many lessons. It changed my mindset and perceptions, and showed me the vulnerable and human side of religious life. My fancy ideas slowly melted away and I was faced with the ordinary. Many times, I have asked myself why I am still here.

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Sr Greta Robert IBVM

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An enthusiastic young Sister from the North East gives her frank and evidently intelligent answers to the questions MAGNET sent her. We are impressed by your religious convictions and your mature way of thinking, Madonna. May you do much good, and be a happy, loving woman of God.–Editor

I am Sr Madonna Shadap MSMHC.  Our congregation, the “Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians,” founded by Venerable Stephen Ferrando SDB on 24th October 1942, with direct evangelization as our main charism, is the first indigenous Congregation in North East India.

  1. Why are you a religious?

As far as I can trace my memory, I wanted to be a religious since my early childhood. In those days I aimed to be a religious because I wanted to be holy (as I thought religious sisters were the holiest people) by wearing the white and spotlessly clean habit. I also liked the different works they do, like touring the villages, visiting families, conducting youth centres for children, etc.

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Sr Madonna Shadap MSMHC

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The writer, a young Salesian, presents the two big supports that have helped him to overcome hurdles and be a joyful religious.  

I joined the Salesians at the recommendation of my parish priest.  In the beginning, I did not know the difference between becoming a diocesan priest and joining a religious congregation. Nonetheless, I enjoyed my early years of formation in the Salesian setting. I came to know my strengths and weaknesses.

Being with the Salesians, I had ample opportunities to grow in all aspects of life. There was lot of love, joy, and food! As I entered the Novitiate, the love increased. The formators were very kind and gentle. Years passed. I moved on to study philosophy for three years, did one year of regency in the novitiate and two years of postgraduation as Master of Philosophy. Right now, I am what we Salesians call the “assistant” (regent in charge of a group) in our Philosophy study house at Karunapuram (Warangal, Telangana). My short journey, from being a student to a teacher of philosophy, has been a wonderful experience.

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Kadiyam Prasanna Kumar SDB

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What I Like Best about being a Religious


There is more joy in giving and serving.

For me, being a religious means meeting God in giving and serving. How and what do I give? How do I serve? These are the serious questions I ask myself very often.

I was fascinated by religious life, especially by the fact that there’s so much possibility to give and serve. Here I dedicate myself totally for others in a specific way of life led by a particular charism. There’s no personal agenda; my time, my talents, my energy and my life are dedicated for a passion that I have.

I have been inspired by many religious whom I have met while I was in school. The glow on their faces, the sacrifices they made to tour our villages and the joy with which they instructed people—all these were attracting forces for me, and an inspiration. I was particularly touched to see them distributing Holy Communion during Mass. I can still feel the same burning desire that I had then: to be able, just like them, to give the consecrated Body and Blood of Jesus to others.

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Sr Vanisha Sympli FMA

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