In this 12th article of the Council Notebooks series, the author explores the profound significance of Sunday in the life of the Church. Drawing from Pope Francis’ Desiderio Desideravi, the article highlights Sunday as more than a day of rest—it is a gift of grace, a weekly opportunity for the faithful to encounter the risen Christ through the Eucharist. With a focus on liturgical, theological, and pastoral dimensions, the author invites us to rediscover the transformative power of Sunday in our spiritual lives. How can we, in our busy and distracted world, allow Sunday to truly become the day that renews us in body, mind, and spirit?
Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi invites the faithful to reflect on Sunday not just as a day of rest, but as a profound encounter with the Risen Christ. The Sunday Eucharist, central to the Church’s life, is a powerful moment of communion with Christ and the Church. As Pope Francis writes, “From Sunday to Sunday, Communion in the Body and Blood of Christ aims to make our lives a sacrifice pleasing to the Father.” This volume explores Sunday through the lenses of Liturgy, Theology, and Pastoral care.
The Prominent Place of Sunday
Sunday holds a prominent place in the life of the Church, with the Eucharist as its focal point. The centrality of Sunday in the liturgical calendar was emphasized at Vatican II. The Constitution on the Liturgy made it clear that Sunday is a day to commemorate Christ’s Resurrection, a day of collective worship where the faithful are invited to experience the Paschal Mystery anew. This transformation of Sunday into a day of grace and renewal is a core teaching of the Church.
Sr Shalini Xavier CTC
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