Sr. Celine, who spent a year in the childhood home of Pope Paul VI in Concesio, Brescia, reflects on his historic 1964 visit to India and its profound impact. As we commemorate the 60th anniversary of this journey, we are reminded of the Church’s legacy as pilgrims of hope, peace, and fraternity. This reflection calls us to embrace the spirit of mission and unity that continues to inspire the Church today as we approach the Jubilee Year. This is the first article in a series of three, delving deeper into the significance of this visit and its lasting influence.
“We bring you the greetings of the peoples we have met on our pilgrimage…. It is precisely those peoples that we point out to you, an example of religiosity, patience, industriousness, serene and conscious humility, always full of hope and goodness.” Memorable words of Paul VI on Sunday, December 6, 1964, at the Angelus, after his return from his pilgrimage to India. He was overwhelmed by the surprising welcome and friendship from huge crowds of Christians as well as from people belonging to other faiths.
Equally significant and heart-warming are his words during the General Audience on Wednesday, December 9, 1964, “India’s historical, civil and social aspect, extremely rich, that fill our soul with admiration, esteem, sympathy for that immense people, so religious, so patient, so industrious, so open to every modern development…”
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