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Social Dimension of Wholeness Paradigm

Social Dimension of Wholeness Paradigm

We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”

Jimmy Carter (President of the USA from 1977-1981).

            In the previous issue, we discussed the social dimension from the viewpoint of interpersonal relationships between individuals and within the community. However, the social dimension of wholeness is made up of broader aspects such as, CULTURE, JUSTICE, EQUALITY and ECOLOGY. These are integral elements of wholeness which are not often emphasized by priests and religious both in their personal life style and in their ministry. In fact, we are proficient in differentiating people based on their culture, language, caste, colour and creed. Prejudices, biases and assumptions are generously utilised to make rules and norms that are exclusive rather than inclusive.

Are we a Melting Pot or a Beautiful Mosaic?

We consider diversity as a threat and therefore, fail to see differences as a gift, and what is more, we fail to benefit from them. Conversely, the opposite attitude that a religious should imbibe is to welcome these differences as a treasure to be cherished. Maybe, the following questions would introduce us to the theme we would like to discuss here.

At the community level:

  • Do you live in an intercultural or ethnic community with confreres and sisters hailing from a cultural group different from yours?
  • How do you feel when you find yourself living with a community member who thinks and acts very differently from what you are accustomed to?
  • Do you feel Excited? Fed up? Irritated? Tolerating? Confused? Or Adjusting? Accepting?

At the level of province or Region:

  • How does your Province/Region deal with diversity and cultural differences among its members?
  • Are the intercultural differences appreciated and cherished in your province?
  • Are there subtle or strong tension or polarity between locals and foreigners, majority and minority groups, and elderly and young?
  • What are the common prejudices held about the various groups and how do these prejudices affect the fraternity of the Province/Region and its mission?

Each of these questions are profoundly self-reflective and transformative if we choose to reflect on them in the right spirit. If we do this through the lens of interconnectedness, we would understand that Culture, Justice, Equality and Ecology are, indeed, integral elements of wholeness.

This concept is very well echoed in Fratelli tutti, wherein Pope Francis extends a meaningful invitation to everyone saying, “Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travellers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all” (FT, no. 8). The value that we are invited to learn is Love for Society, with all its richness and limitations.

Fr. Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj, sdb

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May it be a Real Magnet for all Religious!

May it be a Real Magnet for all Religious!

India has the world’s largest number of Catholic religious—about 131,600, belonging to 399 religious orders, with 1025 major superiors. The religious communities (houses) in India number about 19,400. All this without counting the secular institutes.

In 2016, I presented a plan to the National CRI executive to start a magazine which today’s religious would find useful and appealing. I was asked to prepare a sample issue. I did. The executive loved it, and approved the idea.

To get the magazine registered with the government is a long and laborious process. I felt thrilled when the government department approved this title (Magnet) for our new magazine. It took over a year of work to get the registration completed.

Why take so much trouble to have a magazine registered?

One: An unregistered magazine is not seen as a real publication, but simply as a newsletter, or matter copied from elsewhere.

Two: We save enormously on postage. If Magnet were unregistered, the postage per issue would be Rs 7. Registered, it costs only 50 paise.

Most publications pay the writers, especially if they are competent and well known. Magnet has an excellent team of regular writers, who contribute regularly and DO IT TOTALLY FREE. This is a huge asset.

Magnet has another precious asset, often unrecognized: international consultants who give regular feedback on the magazine. They are highly qualified persons from various countries, who do this service free of charge.

Joe Mannath SDB

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Bowl of Compassion with Bonding & Bridging

Bowl of Compassion with Bonding & Bridging

The thick white creamy layer on a cake often seduces the customer into purchasing the cake only to discover on cutting it, he or she was thoroughly cheated. The real cake is buried deep into the cream. The cream is only an attractive coffin entombed with white marble slab soon to be decayed! Such is the picture of Christmas for thousands. It has been an annual indulging in fun and frolic, food and drink, regardless of the enormous expenditure on all spheres and regardless of human predicament which surrounds daily life. Numbing one’s senses towards human wounds, affliction and despair on the faces around is what often Christmas is made of. It is turned into a mere cream in the name of the cake! There ends the story of the profound and immense birth of the child who had a precarious birth, passionate life, painful death and glorious resurrection. Limiting oneself to a cream-surfaced happy-comfort, the “Great Story” disappears quickly from the scene leaving the human interior empty and wasteful. Christmas is turned into an illusion each passing year, moving away from  Christmas as a life-reality. It has become the celebration of the white cream rather than the delicious cake!

Occurring on the threshold of the Holy Year 2025, Christmas this time can regain its original significance of a new hope to humanity by the practice of human rights as the thick war smoke hovers over the Middle East nations and Ukraine leaving thousands dead or displaced, in injury and pain, even as the responsible parties in the conflict are not willing to find a peaceful solution to provide hope for a better future. The Child of Christmas Himself was born as a pilgrim, with the insidious enemy Herod plotting to eliminate Him, threatened by what he perceived as a powerful and arrogant presence. However, the “Hope of the world,” born in a manger among the animals was determined to live on, on the road all His life as a stranger and pilgrim. He wished to be with those who live the experience of people on the move—the migrants, refugees, and unemployed—seeking a bit of physical comfort in a world that is self-enclosed and attached to attractions. As opposed to the spectacular, the Child whose nativity we celebrate willed to be a ‘Pilgrim of Hope.’ The birth of this Child points out the evils in our society: communalism, hate crimes, violence against people. It is a time to look beyond one’s needs, to cross borders of one’s interests, embrace empathy and bridge the divides among people. It is a time to be purified of our ego and focus on a wider world of human beings whose struggles never seem to be ending.

Gerry Lobo, OFM

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A Joyful Expectation of Christian Hope

A Joyful Expectation of Christian Hope

The Season of Advent holds a dual purpose: it is a time to prepare for Christmas, remembering the first coming of God’s Son through the Virgin Mother, and a period to anticipate Christ’s return at the end of time. This season invites joyful expectation and deepens Christian hope.

The Liturgical Significance of Advent

Advent, marking the beginning of the liturgical year, is a profound season of hope. The four weeks before Christmas help the faithful prepare for Jesus’ birth, grow in hope, and welcome Christ’s continual presence. The Church, in this season, embarks on a journey of faith, affirming the mystery that “our God comes to us as human, calling us to move towards Him.”

Advent has two parts:

  • First Epoch (Dec 1-16): Focuses on the eschatological themes of Jesus’ second coming, encouraging spiritual awakening and conversion.
  • Second Epoch (Dec 17-24): Highlights the first coming of Jesus, the Incarnation, with Mary as the figure who brings forth the Word made flesh.

The season of Advent begins with Vespers on the Sunday closest to December 1 and concludes on Christmas Eve.

Fr G Dolin MMI

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Until it Hurts

Until it Hurts

Before passing away from cancer, world-famous fashion designer, blogger, and author Kirzida Rodriguez penned a poignant reflection on her life. She had built a career that revolved around wealth, luxury, and glamour, but in her final days, she realized the stark contrast between the life she had and the life she now faced.

“My house is full of designer clothes, shoes, and expensive things, but my body is covered in a small sheet provided by the hospital. My home, a grand castle, but I now lay in a twin-size bed. I went from one five-star hotel to another, yet today, I spend my days moving from one hospital lab to another. I had seven beauticians to style my hair—today, I have not a single strand on my head.”

Rodriguez’s note is a striking reminder that life, when stripped down to its essentials, is about more than wealth and possessions. Her final reflections resonate deeply with the words of Matthew 16:26: “For what will it profit a person if she/he gains the whole world and forfeits her/his soul? Or what shall a person give in return for her/his soul?” In her moment of vulnerability, Kirzida realized the futility of material success and the ultimate importance of love, relationships, and faith.

Jithin Joseph

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Recently, I happened to watch a short video on oxytocin, a hormone I had heard of in passing, but never truly understood. What started as a fleeting curiosity quickly grew into fascination. As I delved deeper, I stumbled upon a TED-Ed talk by Paul Zak, a neuroeconomist who refers to oxytocin as the “moral molecule.” According to Zak, this chemical is responsible for the trust, empathy, and other warm feelings that are the glue of human society. That talk ignited something within me, compelling me to explore oxytocin not from a scientific viewpoint, but in a way that aims to motivate and inspire.

Oxytocin: The Bonding Molecule

Oxytocin is a hormone we all possess, and it plays a crucial role in our emotional well-being and social interactions. It’s responsible for those “warm and fuzzy” feelings that make us feel connected to others. Whether it’s the rush of love a mother feels for her newborn, the deep trust between friends, or the quiet comfort of companionship, oxytocin is the invisible force binding us all. Think about the last time you did something kind for someone, perhaps a small gesture like holding a door open or offering a genuine smile. Didn’t you feel a subtle lift in your spirits? That’s oxytocin at work, but the magic of this hormone doesn’t stop with just you; the person on the receiving end feels it too. The beauty of oxytocin is its ripple effect. A single act of kindness can have a domino effect, spreading warmth and positivity far beyond the initial exchange.

Fr. Jayaseelan Savariarpitchai SDB

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The Eucharistic Mystery: A Door to God’s Love

The Eucharistic Mystery: A Door to God’s Love

The Eucharist draws us into the heart of God. At its core, the word Eucharist means thanksgiving, derived from the Greek Eucharistia. In celebrating the Eucharist, we join Jesus in His Last Supper, a moment of profound gratitude. Yet, it remains a mystery, a reality we cannot fully explain but can only be deeply experienced. It is like a door that opens to the divine, allowing us to participate in the prayer and love of Jesus. This mystery is not just a historical event but one we enter into every time we celebrate Mass. In the Eucharist, we step into Jesus’ love, gift, and communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As Pope Benedict XVI said, “The happiness you have a right to enjoy has a name and a face: It is Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist.” Each Mass is a sacred encounter with this deep mystery of love.

Everyone is Welcome

In the Gospel, God does not discriminate between good and bad, worthy and unworthy. All are welcome at the Lord’s table. The Eucharist is not reserved for the pure or the sinless; it is a celebration for everyone – the broken, the lost, the hopeful, and the grateful. Entry is free and open to all who seek to experience God’s love. We gather as a community, not because we are perfect, but because we are united in our need for God’s grace.

Sr Shalini Xavier CTC

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How fit are you?

Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?

A very good example of fitness was Mahatma Gandhi. He kept himself trim and fit. When he was in his sixties, and the government sent soldiers to accompany him during his travels (frequently on foot), they found it hard to keep up with him. He had enormous stamina—the result of a very disciplined and active life.

He was not just physically fit. Mentally, he knew how to deal with complex political and legal issues. He replied to letters. He published articles regularly. His collected works come to one hundred large volumes.

As for emotional fitness, he was known as calm and serene, and not put off by the harsh and cruel treatment he often faced.

As for spiritual fitness, well, we have hardly any other politician who was also seen and followed as a deeply spiritual man. In fact, this is what Albert Einstein wrote about him, “Future generations will scarce believe that such a one as this in flesh and blood walked the earth.” In fact, in Einstein’s final years, the only picture he kept in his office was a photo of Mahatma Gandhi.

How fit are you?

Do you take responsibility for your overall fitness, and take the necessary steps to stay fit?

Fr Joe Mannath SDB

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Social Dimension of Wholeness Paradigm

Social Dimension of Wholeness Paradigm

Some Fundamental Questions:

  • Do you as an individual enjoy interacting with people and sharing time and ideas with them?
  • Do people in need come to you readily to share with you, their situation?
  • Do all those who live together in your community feel wanted and accepted?
  • Is there an atmosphere of friendship, spontaneity and cohesiveness among those who live together?
  • Are people in your place of ministry, friendly and understanding although they are from different regions and social status?
  • Is there an honest attempt in communities to intervene if there are social inequalities?

In the process of finding answers to these questions, we will also come to understand the fourth aspect of the Wholeness Paradigm, namely, the social dimension.

The Concept of Social Dimension

What does Social Dimension mean in the context of the wholeness paradigm? It refers to the interpersonal relationships and interactions between individuals within a society or community. Social dimension is an integral part of human societies and plays a crucial role in shaping our daily lives. It might vary across cultures and time periods, but there are many common features that facilitate social cohesion and solidarity. Some of these features are: interpersonal relationships, communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, and social norms. Additionally, the social dimension helps people to form connections, to exchange information and to support one another.

Fr. Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj, sdb

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Stuti Sharma—the name echoed across our school campus and was on everyone’s lips: students, teachers, co-workers, parents, and even drivers. Who was Stuti Sharma? What had she done to become so famous?

One day, a parent walked into the office and handed me some money. “This is for Stuti Sharma,” he said. “Please make sure she gets it.” I looked at him, seeing the firm, confident expression of a middle-aged man, with a hidden contentment as if he had given from a widow’s mite. I took the money with shivering hands and nodded in affirmation. My mind wandered off, sinking silently into thoughts of the past. It all started just one month before when four young people – two boys and two girls—rushed into the office. After I invited them to take a seat, one of them said, “Stuti Sharma, a class ten student at your school and our cousin, has been diagnosed with cancer. She needs to undergo surgery soon. Her parents, in utter shock and despair, are in a hospital in Lucknow with her, and they need help – both financially and emotionally.”

Stuti Sharma was a fresh, budding student of class ten who was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, which had developed after a neglected boil under her left arm. Her class teacher mentioned that she had been absent for many days without submitting a leave application. I assured her cousins that we would willingly help and support them, though I had no idea how it would be possible. Stuti Sharma unknowingly became our priority as her name was announced during the morning assembly. She became a constant topic of discussion, and many prayers were offered by our students, who stood with folded hands, imploring God, the Creator, to save her from..


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