Broken Lives, Broken World

The world is broken, countries are fractured, families are torn apart, and individuals are left shattered. We witness violence permeating our society, and the dehumanization of individuals is all too common. Why does violence persist in our society? Why are human beings not treated with the dignity they deserve?

Throughout history, we read about ordinary people performing revolutionary and courageous acts. These individuals stood by their values, fought for the rights of the innocent, and never expected anything in return. Today, how many of us can genuinely be ourselves, take responsibility, and honour our commitments to uphold the truth, even if it means challenging the status quo?

When we stand for a cause, nothing should deter us. In whatever small way we can bring justice to an individual or society, we must find the courage to act. Courage is what empowers us to stand up and speak out. Let us not remain passive members of an audience, content with simply clapping from the sidelines. Instead, let us take our place on the podium, boldly proclaiming truth and justice. Regardless of the obstacles, truth will always prevail.

Sr Lini Sheeja MSC

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