Janet first met Florette at a gathering of the parish Ladies Club. She was a newcomer to the parish and had joined the club only recently. She was immediately attracted by the charming personality of
I am Dilan, hailing from Tuticorin, South Tamilnadu. I am twenty-three years old. Although I was gifted with a wonderful God-fearing and Catholic upbringing and was even privileged to have few God experiences when I
The author realizes that he understood his father’s love late—in fact, only after his dad’s death. It was my first Mother’s Day while working as a chaplain in jail when we ran out of greeting
On May 8th, 2022, the Church kept the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.” On this occasion, Pope Francis gave a message on “Vocation,” which we will do well to listen to and take to
What happened to this Canadian in his youth looks similar to what happened to St. Augustine and several others. “I imbibed the poison and stopped going to the sacraments and ceased praying,’’ he says. The
Insights and suggestions of Sr Inigo Joaquim SSA, a former superior general who later worked with prisoners and animated thousands of religious, both in India and abroad. (The interview was conducted by Ms Janina Gomes.)
Father Stu Writer/ Director: Rosalind Ross * Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, Jacki Weaver, Teresa Ruiz (124 minutes) A fun loving boisterous, agnostic amateur boxer from a dysfunctional family, chaser after earthy glory and pleasure,
3:16: The Numbers of Hope By Max Lucado (2022) The author describes his latest best-seller as the “most famous conversation in the Bible” and “a twenty-six –word-parade of hope beginning with God, ending with life,
Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading. - Oswald Chambers God is looking for willing hearts... God has no favorites. You do not have
May Magnet cover page is magnifying and electrifying, in other words tempting/inspiring. Inspiration (quotes) on Celibacy has excellent quotes of various persons. Editorial: In his unique way, the editor puts across the beauty and meaning