A married man and dean of a business school, Prof. John Peter shares impressions and memories of his seminary days, as well as some suggestions to religious and priests. 1. You were a seminarian once.
In his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis has devoted 20 pages (out of 212) —that is, nearly ten percent of the document— to the homily and its preparation. He begins in a lighter vein
Raymond looked sad. Not occasionally, but always. His features drooped. He hardly every smiled. Even after someone cracked a good joke or said something really funny, and everyone laughed, Raymond’s face would settle back into
An emotionally powerful movie of brokenness and healing. Roger Ebert, a movie critic, wrote that the film “ends with scenes so true and heart-breaking that tears welled up in my eyes both times I saw
One of the best known text books on the subject, now in its tenth edition. Apart from presenting various approaches to counselling, Corey has very useful and practical chapters on the person of the counsellor
Three hundred seventy major superiors of women religious met at the St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Old Goa, on January 19-22, 2017, for their triennial 48th Assembly. The theme was: Women of Contemplation, Compassion
Of all the retreats I have made, there is one I remember vividly, although I made it over thirty years ago. It happened during my third year of theology. I was in no mood for
The saints speak about it, the Buddhists speak about it, most major religions, spiritual movements and even scientific studies tell us how beneficial it is for the spiritual, mental and physical health…. Yes, but….. Yes,