Fr Anil enjoys chatting with friends on Messenger, Skype and IMO till late in the night. Sr Meena usually goes to bed on time, but as soon as she wakes up, she compulsively checks FaceBook
Here is one of those women whom all the women and men can be proud of! What she has done for her country in a little more than eleven years seems too good to be
Crystal One of the things I love about the Catholic faith is our appreciation for saints. Most of us have our favorite saints who we turn to for intercession or inspiration. Saint Anthony of Padua is
In this interview, we listen to a pioneer in the ministry among street children, who sought a meaningful religious life, learnt much from the youth he served on the streets, and developed a new form
The stories of three inspiring women and one heroically forgiving man, whose death anniversaries occur in May. Not a familiar name for you? You are not alone. She is a fourteenth century mystic whose text,
The term “obedience’ is derived from the Latin ob-audire, which means “to listen intently”. It is primarily an attentive listening: to self, to others, to the events and experiences of life that demands a response.
First, a big THANK YOU! Sr Marline Pinto MCJ joined the National CRI team in February 2016, with a commitment to help us for a year. She offered her capable services here as Associate Editor.
Forgiveness can be hard. It stems from strength, not weakness. Understood rightly, it is wise, healing and beautiful. Do you have trouble forgiving—really reaching out to those who have hurt you, or being nice to