Personal Accountability Accountability comes in when we work for someone else or when something is entrusted to us. In our religious context, all priests and religious are working for the Church, through our dioceses or
Brother Ignatius, a perpetually professed brother in a religious congregation, decided to leave and applied for an “indult” to leave the institute. When the “rescript” arrived from Rome, he refused to accept it. The superiors
On page 28, you will find the moving words of a loving man who knew he might face a violent death. He sees his life as “given,” not as “taken,” and prays for the “brother”
“Who am I really?” This is a question all of us ask ourselves sometime in our life. Some of us find an answer, others continue to keep asking the question. Jesus was asked this question,
6 May: WORLD LAUGHTER DAY It is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May each year, with the aim of bringing peace in the world through laughter. Laughing and hugging feel good, but few realize
Crystal shares with our readers how deeply and positively she has been transformed by retreats—both the retreats she attended and the ones she gave. I can still remember with great clarity the first retreat I
In simple, clear language laced with touching examples and heart-warming humour, Sr Esme, who has guided younger religious in their vocational discernment, explains what “vocation” means, how to discern one’s religious or priestly call, what
Thérèse: The Story of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux Director: Leonardo De Filippis. Cast: Lindsay Younce, Leonardo Defilippis, Maggie Rose Fleck, Linda Hayden. 96 minutes. 2004. Unknown during her short life—she died at 24—and at her
Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer: Ten Life-Changing Stories of Hope and Healing. by Jeff Cavins & Matthew Pinto (Eds.). 2002 This book presents ten real life stories of suffering and faith. These are people
It is super easy to just run away, to take the easier path, to abandon the purpose you were created for. But then, remember, what we run away from comes back again, bigger and stronger–while