Cover Story



Well! Here we find ourselves a year and one half into the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.  We have been praying along with all in India and throughout Asia as the infections soared and then started coming back down. We are hopeful that this pandemic, which is reported to have infected over 200 million people worldwide and has resulted in four million deaths, will be brought under control.

As alarming and tragic as this pandemic has been, it actually pales in comparison to another epidemic that has raged unchecked in the world for decades and poses perhaps a greater threat to the future of our world over the long haul than COVID does.  The epidemic and threat that I refer to is that of pornography.

I have been extremely hesitant to raise such a topic in a publication whose primary audience is priests and religious. However, over the last couple of years I have been doing a lot of reading on the health of our Church.   We are currently witnessing continued erosion in family formation, with young people choosing to put off marriage and expressing reluctance to have children.  This is a foreboding prospect for the future of the Church.

It is incumbent upon us to recognize that one of the greatest and still growing threats to the family and family formation is pornography, which continues to fuel moral decline in our world.  We need to learn how to talk about it!  The future of our families depends on it!


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