
Kavitha (name changed) a twenty-three-year old BBA graduate, speaks about how she meet God in college, and what this has meant for her.

1. How would you describe your college experience?

This college is heaven for me .. On my first day in the hostel, I sulked and cried like any other child, pleading with my parents to take me back home. But as the days passed, I actually realized how blessed I was .. Generally, when deciding on which college to attend, we evaluate a college on the basis of its good track record and extra-curricular activities. But having passed through the portals of this college, I realized that academics should not be one’s only goal of life in college… being a good human being is more important.

I cannot thank God enough for what my college has given to me… even if I thank Him till my last breath,that would not be enough… It is only because of my college that I was able to meet my dad -my eternal father Jesus ….

2. Any striking experience you like to share?

I was a very aggressive kind of a child. Every time I telephoned my parents, I told them I would not stay in this college another day. “Enough is enough, I want to come home….”  Then there was a college retreat …Within those three or four days, I was so touched by the preaching; and specially, the healing session that we had on the last day of the retreat.

There were many incidents in my past for whichI was not able to forgive myself and I thought even God would not forgive me for that. But then I heard, “Christ died for us while we were still sinners.” What touched me most was that while we were searching for love everywhere, there was already someone who died for our sins .. What else would you call love?  I believe this is genuine love, and not what we search for in our materialistic life ..My dad Jesus loves me more than I could ever love him in return..

3. How has your family reacted to your faith in Jesus?

I am not a Christian. So, you can understand what kind of comments I may have been subjected to, the snide remarks, the barbs, the taunts ….  Well, trust me, it did not affect me adversely even in the slightest manner.

My faith, my love for Christ increased day by day. And, you know,  when you believe in Christ,  it is not that you won’t face any bad times in your life .. Generally, people presume that if you pray all day and if you are close to God, nothing bad will happen..

No, it’s not true. In those difficult times, any normal person would lose hope. But if you are with Jesus, he will not only give you the strength to fight and face those problems, he will show you that when you believe in Him, all your problems can be changed intoproof of his love and care… all your problems can be transformed into miracles in the blink of your eyes..
Today I can almost write a book on my problems. But by the grace of God, every problem has been an occasion to praise and thank God.

When you believe in Jesus, he will change your ordeals into a testimony,  and those who laugh at you will see how God works in your life.

Earlier my relatives made fun of me because I believed in Jesus.  Today, 90% of them call me saying, “Please pray to Jesus for such-and-such a problem…”

It’s not because I am a magician but because they have seen how my life has changed as Christ entered my life and how he has worked in my life…

4. How has that affected your choices in life?

Well, I never prayed for a rich man or someone very good-looking .. As I came close to Jesus,  I only prayed, “Jesus, I want to marry a boy who would never come between you and me .. I am O.K. if he does not pray with me, but at least he should not stop me from praying to you.”
Jesus says, that when you believe in him and ask for something, he will bless you in double measure and this I experienced for the last four years. I prayed, “Jesus, don’t let me go away from you. Send me someone who will not prevent me from loving you..

You will be happy to know that God has blessed me with someone who loves to sit with me and pray my rosary with me. He always inspires and motivates me to pray. And he is completely o.k. with my love for Jesus. He has started believing in Jesus. ..

5. Any personal experiences you like to share?

Examples? Well!every day is an example for me.

While we are praying, we need to remember one thing. Always surrender your problem in Jesus’ hands and find out what is His will, not yours. In my case, I always asked for stupid things, but yes at the end of every prayer, I said “God, not my but your will be done.” And, he blessed me so abundantly.

In May this year, my mother suffered a heart attack. In July, she got a stroke of paralysis. In the month of August, viral fever. But, miraculously, Jesus saved her.  I can’t express in words what her condition was. Generally, a patient suffering from a paralysis stroke would take two to three months to recover. But, praise God! Within a month, my mother was able to walk, talk and do her own work. And, those remaining ten percent people in my family who didn’t believe in Jesus said, “Jesus healed your mother!”

A few days ago, my brother and my cousin met with an accident. My brother is out of danger, but my cousin is still in a coma. But I know, my dad Jesus will heal him and he will bring him back  home soon. Jesus says, anything you ask in your prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours.And I believe my Daddy Jesus will make everything o.k.
I want you all also to pray for him. When two or more people sit together in Jesus’ name he is present there and I believe my cousin will be healed soon.

6. Anything you like to tell other young people your age?

I just want to say one thing. Never lose hope. Remember that there are many who are going to bed daily without food. Look, how blessed you are that you have so many things to be thankful for.

We are so used to asking. We don’t remember to thank him for all the beautiful things he has done in our lives. If you feel there is nothing to be thank God for, at least thank him that you woke up today and have food to eat, water to drink.

If you say thank you to your mother once in a year for the food she cooked daily, you would see the tears in her eyes. Then just imagine happy your father Jesus will be when you thank him. No one else on this earth can give you what He has blessed you with. Don’t take his love for granted. Speak to him, he will answer you .. He is waiting for you..

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