We have started the Year of Prayer, as an immediate preparation for the Jubilee 2025. Many local Churches have undertaken various initiatives to make this year a fruitful experience of praying and learning to pray, initiating various prayer groups, prayer movements, prayer warriors etc. to nourish and keep alive the faith of the Church. But what exactly is prayer?
There are very many definitions of prayer. Most of us, right from our childhood have been taught to pray. When we talk to our parents or our friends, we speak to them spontaneously with love, because we know who they are and how deep is our relationship with them. Prayer is just that, a deep communion with God – we talking to God, expressing our heart to God and God revealing his heart to us. It is a two-way heart to heart loving communication. Basically, prayer is a relationship. If there is no relationship there can be no real prayer. Learning to pray is learning to develop a loving, friendly, child-like relationship with a loving, caring, merciful, compassionate and forgiving God.
Sr. Celine D’Cunha FMA
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