What is the Global Compact ?

The Global Compact on Education (GCE), titled “Together to Look Beyond,” is not a plan for a new educational system. Instead, it is an invitation to dialogue and work together. It encourages us to come together to create a more fair and just world through education. In a meeting in May 2022, Pope Francis talked about how important education is for the strong foundation of society and for a better future. He said education can help create a fair and friendly world, letting people reach their full potential. With all the problems in the world, the Global Compact on Education comes at the right time, showing how important education is now. Pope Francis wants everyone to work together to build a better future through education.

Why the Global Compact?

Pope Francis presented the Global Compact on Education in September 2019 to address significant challenges in education worldwide. This initiative calls for people to work together to improve education. The goal is to create a fair and compassionate future while also taking care of the environment. Pope Francis believes that education is not just about learning facts but also about growing as a person. The GCE aims to ensure that everyone has access to education, treating each other with kindness and taking responsibility for the planet.

Fr Arnald Mahesh SDB

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