Advocates for Justice

We, Novices of the Medical Mission Sisters, had the privilege of attending a week-long seminar at St. Joseph Convent School in Khandwa. This seminar, organized by the Pratyek group from Delhi, focused on integrating justice and advocacy into education. The seminar proved to be an eye-opening experience and a source of inspiration. We learned how to become advocates for justice through various activities such as group work, games, and chart paper presentations. One particularly meaningful moment was when we paused for a minute of silence amidst our busy activities, listening to the sound of a bell. This simple act helped us connect with the present moment and appreciate its significance.

Child Advocacy

We learned about child advocacy and how crucial it is because children’s rights are often overlooked by both families and society. A game showed us the importance of a stable family, having a home, and adapting to different life situations. We realized that being a child advocate is a challenging role, requiring courage, risk-taking, determination, patience, understanding, and humility. Every activity encouraged us to think about why child advocacy matters. We understood that it begins within ourselves, inspiring us to advocate for each other. We also discovered the various influences on a child’s development, from the family to the nation. In one activity, we symbolized this protection and a child’s rights by having the child lie on the floor, surrounded by four circles of people representing different levels of support, from the family to the nation.

Novice Lungsinliu Joycy Gonmei

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