A group of one thousand pilgrims hailing from Bergamo and Brescia in Italy embarked on a journey to Rome, retracing the footsteps of the two influential Popes of the Second Vatican Council, namely John XXIII and Paul VI. Their pilgrimage aimed to honor the legacy of these visionary leaders and deepen their understanding of the Council’s profound impact on the Catholic Church.  Sr Celine who was part of the group shares her experience of the pilgrimage.


The year 2023 is  a year of grace, to remember and celebrate two great Popes,  who contributed immensely to the renewal of the Church and the world.  June 3 marks 60 years since  the death of  John XXIII,  June 21, the 60th anniversary of the election of  Paul VI. They are the two important exponents of 20th century culture and thought patterns.  From June 2-4, Sotto il Monte and Concesio, the two towns that gave birth to these two holy Popes, celebrated these important and significant events, through a pilgrimage to Rome, and to meet Pope Francis in a private audience. Over a thousand pilgrims participated in this holy venture. Joining the Pilgrims, being part of this once in a lifetime grace-filled event, makes you feel proud to belong to the Catholic Church. It’s an occasion to revitalize our spiritual energies and  to renew our commitment to live our faith joyfully and enthusiastically.

John XXIII and Paul VI- the protagonists and parents of Vatican II with different family backgrounds, temperaments, formation and experience, were great friends; who admired, appreciated and supported each other. A profound relationship existed between Roncalli and Montini. One opened the Council and the other steered it wisely and closed it solemnly. Both of them shared the Council’s project to make the Church ever more open and docile to the action and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As Jean Guitton said, providence made use of them: ‘of the bold, elderly pilot to launch the vessel into the sea’ and ‘of the young man to bring it into port’.  They are not merely two great masters but also true and authentic witnesses who  showed to everyone by word and example the true path to heaven.

Sr. Celine D’Cunha FMA

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