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Impact of Social Media on Religious Formation Today

Impact of Social Media on Religious Formation Today

What is Social Media?

Social Media is just a reflection of who we are. It is networking or connecting to people. It is a dialogue, not a monologue. It creates communities. It creates a comfortable and entertaining atmosphere, helping people improve their social skills, providing interesting information for users to learn and expand their knowledge, and most importantly, to establish new forms of interpersonal relationships. Social media has created radical changes in the life of individuals. The emergence of the internet as a network for communication has brought profound transformation in society. We are always updated on the latest happenings of the world through it and become more socially aware of the issues of the world.

Positive Impact on Religious Formation

In this digital world, social media is a necessity, not a luxury. It is said, “Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.” It gives birth to a new way of learning, thinking and establishing relationships. Yes, our formees are coming from the Z generation, marked by the internet. Generation Z dominates online searches for information on the post-millennial generation. According to a study, people belonging to the Z generation are more accepting and open minded, pragmatic and creative, progressive and idealistic.

Sr Benny D’ Cunha UFS

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