The world has gone ‘viral.’ That’s the hot topic all over today.
Well, viruses are of many types. Some attack people—our throat and lungs. Others attack our computers and gadgets. And some others attack politics, institutions, societies and nations.
So, let us have a look at the viruses that seem to threaten Religious Life as it is lived today. Remember, a virus is almost invisible. But when it catches you, its effects can be fatal!
Preoccupation with Numbers: We keep star statistics—how many in formation, how many professed members, how many retiring, how many have already died this year?
What is the underlying fear? We are worried about our personnel, who are seen as ‘hands.’ How many able-bodied persons do we have in order to keep our activities and our institutions going? It is the “Atlas Complex”: We feel we are holding and are responsible for the whole world!
The actual preoccupation is not because fewer persons seem to be attracted to Religious Life, but that, at this rate, we may have to let go of some of our ‘works.’
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Sr Esme da Cunha FDCC