Weird Email Reply
I sent an email to the recipients of a particular email group. In a short while, I was surprised to get this short reply: “I received your email and thank you for the same. I shall reply to it as soon as possible.” The surprise is that the sender of the email is a priest who died a year ago. When I got over my shock, I realized that the email I received is an Auto-Reply he had set in his email account.
General Information on Email & its HOW TO
OFFICIAL EMAIL ID and personal email ID should be differentiated. Personal email ID should be used only for personal communication; and all the official communication should be through an official email ID, like Principal, Provincial, and so on. In the official email ID, one should not use the personal name in the ID or in the NAME while creating and or changing the email setting. Let us take, e.g.: Fr. Paul <>. Here Fr. Paul is the name of the provincial at the time of creating the email ID. So, it is better if the official email ID is ‘Fr. Provincial MM.’ The official email ID should be used by the successors in the office; and, each successor should also change the password.
REPLY-TO for an email is set, only in case we need the reply to be sent to a different email ID other than the one we are using. Without knowing this, some of us have set the same email ID for reply-to as well. Unknowingly, many of us set a wrong “reply-to” email ID…
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