‘3D’ Formation

“A good priest, sister or nun must above all else be a man or woman who is formed and shaped by the Lord’s grace, … they must be people who are aware of their own limitations and willing to lead a life of prayer, and dedicated witness to the Gospel.”

– Pope Francis

This article highlights the relevance and necessity of ‘reconciliation-centered’ formation process for Catholic priests and nuns.

As we know, 3D or three dimensional, refers to the three spatial dimensions of width, height and depth. The title of the article, ‘3D formation’, refers to a new perspective of the ‘reconcilation-centered formation’ process from three dimensions. In other words, a ‘reconciliation-centered formation’ requires the width of relationship, the height of love and the depth of compassion.   

The integral aim of the formative process is to help one to configure oneself to Christ. This configuration-process happens when one tries to answer the question, ‘why reconcile with someone’?  In fact, one reconciles to relate better. What is the outcome of a deeper relationship? Efforts to relate well increases the capacity to love. Once the capacity to love increases, a person becomes a more compassionate person, because one cannot be compassionate without love, and one cannot be lovable without compassion. In short, ‘reconciliation-centered formation’ needs to highlight awareness of relationship, love and compassion. To create this awareness in the formation process through various ways is the first step of a ‘reconciliation-centered formation’ process.

Fr Binny Marydas

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