
Directors: Andrew Erwin and Jon Erwin.

Starring: Rachel Hendrix  in the lead role.

A dramatic movie, based on a YouTube video about abortion survivor Gianna Jessen.

The movie opens with the scene of Hannah, a college student, on the stage. She is going to act in her first play. But here, tragedy strikes. She faints and collapses on the stage.

Many medical tests later, the doctor concludes that Hannah’s several health problems—including epilepsy and asthma and depression—are caused by her difficult birth experience. The truth is that Hannah is the survivor of an attempted abortion, who was adopted.

Her adoptive parents are excellent persons, but Hannah wants to trace her biological mother. She talks things over with her best friend Jason. He and a group of friends are going on a trip. Hannah joins them, against her father’s will.

On the way, they pass through the town where Hannah was born. The hospital where she was born is now closed and locked up. She and Jason break the lock and enter the premises—for which they are arrested. But the police officer takes a compassionate view when he learns the reason behind the break-in. He gives Hannah the name of the nurse who attended at her birth.

Hannah meets the nurse, who reveals more details. Hannah had also a twin brother, who died soon after. From the nurse, she gets her biological mother’s new name, and goes to meet her.

She is shattered to find that her mother does not admit anything.  The woman who gave her birth is a successful executive now, with a husband and a child. It is clear that she recognized who Hannah is, but denies everything.

Hannah is bitter at this rejection, and finds it extremely difficult to forgive her mother. She steps into a Catholic church to pray. A friendly priest approaches her, and Hannah tells him her story. He tells her of the need for forgiveness, for her own sake. Will she forgive her mother? How about her relationship with her adoptive parents? And her friendship with Jason? See the movie.

 Questions for discussion:

  • Are there significant people I need to forgive?
  • Do I keep anger and bitterness alive, or let go and be free to live?
  • Do I accept the fact that no one, including my parents, is perfect.

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